# Environment and Workflow

FeniXWizard ensures you have a clean and consistent work environment. It does this by generating a project structure and giving you access to an easy to use workflow.

# Project Structure

FeniXWizard works with two different project structures, one for developing a single plugin and another for developing multiple plugins. FeniXWizard does not require configuration, no matter what style you choose. It automatically searches the ./src directory and all of it's sub directories for a main.js and parameters.js and builds your plugins based on those files.

# Single Plugin Structure

A single plugin structure is good for prototyping and for plugins that aren't a part of a plugin suite.

├── game
├── src
│  ├── main.js
│  ├── Parameters.js
├── test
├── README.md
└── package.json

# Multiple Plugin Structure

A multiple plugin structure is good for creating a modular plugin suite or library that may interact with each other.

├── game
├── src
│  ├── plugin
│  │   ├── main.js
│  │   ├── Parameters.js
│  ├── plugin-two
│  ├── plugin-three
├── test
├── README.md
└── package.json

# Multiple File Plugins

Having one plugin file named MyPlugin.js compared to having it split into smaller files like 'MyWindow.js,Parameters.js,Game_System.js`, allows you to quickly find what you're looking for. It also follows a Modular/D.R.Y approach, and if you code your plugin in sections that operate independently of each other, then this offers you the ability to use the same code in other plugin projects.


# The Entry Point

I'm sure you're wondering how it is that FeniXWizard knows how to correctly bundle the plugin from multiple files. Well, that's what the main.js file is for, it's an entry point, from this file you will be responsible for importing your other modules. The modules which are imported are then processed by FeniXWizard and it will bundle the modules you've referenced.

A basic main.js file will look something like this:

import './Scenes/Scene_Map.js'
// import 'otherModule/

You will not be required to import everything into this one file, in fact it's better to only import what is needed for a specific module.

For example, we have a new file named Window_MyWindow.js and I have a Scene in which I would like to use this window on Scene_Map. Instead of importing all those into the main.js entry file. We would instead export Window_MyWindow and import it in Scene_Map like so:

Export Window_MyWindow so we can import it elsewhere:

// Windows/Window_MyNewWindow.js
export class Window_MyWindow extends Window_Base {
    constructor () {

Import Window_MyWindow so we can create it in Scene_Map

// Scenes/Scene_Map.js
import {Window_MyWindow} from './Windows/Window_MyWindow'

const createAllWindows = Scene_Map.prototype.createAllWindows

Scene_Map.prototype.createAllWindows = function () {
    this._myWindow = new Window_MyWindow()

Then to make sure it all comes together into a pretty bundle , we simply import Scene_Map.js into the main.js file as seen in the example for main.js above.

# Exporting to Global

Exporting modules can be pretty important, in fact, if you have an entire API that you need to expose to the user of the plugin, then you will need to export important members from your modules.

To do this, all you have to do is export from the main.js file:

export './Windows/Window_MyWindow.js'
// import 'otherModule/

Doing this will expose Window_MyWindow to the final bundle's namespace, which can be configured in your plugins parameters file.